"The success of this project has been a dream of mine for decades and I am thankful beyond words for your support! It means the world to me and this dream could not become a reality without the help of people like YOU! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" Gerald L. Kostecka
Tell A Friend: If you love the Dream Dragon then make sure to share his information with all your friends and family! Tell them about the website, show them the artistic masterpieces you've created in your coloring and activity book, sit down and read a picture book with them and be sure to encourage them to check out the premiere of the first Dream Dragon animated pilot! Remember, sharing is caring, so be sure to share to show how much you care! From the bottom of our hearts, your support is greatly appreciated!
Buy A Product: We are very proud of all the different Dream Dragon products and have put a lot of time and effort into making them the very best they can be! And we have lots more in the works! When you purchase one of our products, a picture book, a coloring and activity book or a t-shirt, the proceeds help provide the fuel needed to keep the project moving forward. We greatly appreciate every purchase and hope you are delighted with the products you receive! Visit our store now!
​Donate: The Dream Dragon Project, as it has become affectionately known, is internally funded and we rely on the support of our visitors, customers and the fans of the Dream Dragon and all the lovable characters of the Dreamland universe, to help us achieve the ultimate dream of this project becoming globally recognized and helping children around the world! Would you like to contribute to the Dream Dragon cause? We are NOT a non-profit organization, so donations are not tax deductible, but they are greatly appreciated! And anything helps! $1, $2, $5, $10, $20 or more, it all adds up and it all helps keep the project moving! Use the link below to donate and become part of the growing family of people who want to see the Dream Dragon spread his wings and fly!!